Eyelid Dermatitis
Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a common, chronic skin condition that causes itching, redness, and flaking. Eczema occurs most often in children, but can also affect adults.
Eczema causes dry, itchy, flaky skin. Uncontrolled eczema can also lead to thickening and roughness of the skin
- In babies, eczema tends to affect the front of the arms and legs, cheeks, or scalp.The diaper area is less commonly affected.
- In older children and adults, eczema often affects the back of the neck, the elbow creases, and the backs of the knees. Adults can also get it on their face, wrists, hands, and forearms.
Individuals with a history of asthma, hay fever, seasonal allergies, or with a family history of eczema, are at increased risk of developing eczema.
The most important goal with the treatment of eczema is to relieve the symptoms. It is a chronic condition.
- Gentle Skin Care
- We recommend that you bathe with lukewarm water and a fragrance-free soap daily.
- Recommend include Dove® Sensitive skin soap, Vanicream®, Cetaphil® or CeraVe® cleansers
- After bathing, pat dry and moisturize with creams or moisturizers that are fragrance free. Moisturizing creams or ointments are very important in the treatment of eczema. It helps to keep the skin hydrated.
- We recommend that you bathe with lukewarm water and a fragrance-free soap daily.
- Steroid creams and ointments are the first line treatment for eczema. They help to relieve
itching and redness. They are usually prescribed to be used twice daily for 2 weeks and to repeat use when flared. - Other creams such as tacrolimus and pimecrolimus may be prescribed as a steroid alternative or to be used in more sensitive skin areas.
- For severe eczema, an injectable treatment known as Dupixent® (dupilumab) might be
prescribed. - Phototherapy (light therapy) is another treatment option for certain patients.
- We also recommend that you avoid your triggers that may worsen eczema. These may include but are not limited to smoke, stress, harsh soaps, fragrances, bubble baths, outdoor allergies, and laundry detergents.